
教学PPT PPT for Teaching

10 Brain-Boosting Finger Exercises

来源: 作者: 发布时间:2023-05-23 23:44:49 浏览次数: 【字体:


 Brain-Boosting Finger Exercises


Fingers are interconnected with numerous nerves that extend to the brain. Doing more finger exercises can help enhance the brain function and stimulate these nerves. The finger exercises are conducted as follows:


Section I : First web tap. Relax the whole body, make fists with both hands, and then tap both fists rhythmically with the first webs facing each other, so as to stimulate the Hegu acupoint at the first webs. Perform 36 first web taps each time, twice a day.


Section II : Palmar side tap. Position your hands in front of your chest with palms facing upward, gently spread your fingers apart, and then tap the outer edges of your palms together to stimulate the Houxi acupoints. Perform 36 taps each time, twice a day.


Section III : Wrist cross-tap. Gently separate your fingers, flex your wrists, and then tap the wrists together to stimulate the Daling acupoints located at the wrists. Perform 36 taps each time, twice daily.


Section IV : First web cross-tap. Spread all your fingers, interlace your hands at the first web, and then cross-tap at the first web to stimulate the Dadu acupoints within the Baxie acupoints. Perform 36 taps each time, twice daily.


Section V : Finger cross-tap. Place your hands in front of your chest and cross-tap your fingers to stimulate the Shangdu, Zhongdu and Xiadu acupoints within the Baxie acupoints. Perform 36 taps each time, twice daily.


Section VI : Palm tap with fist. Tap the palm of the opposite hand twice using a closed fist in one hand, and then switch to the other side and repeat the same action. Perform 36 taps each time, twice daily.


Section VII : Handback tap. Gently tap the back of your hand twice each time, ensuring not to apply excessive force, to maintain a comfortable sensation. Perform 36 taps each time, twice daily.


Section VIII : Palm rubbing. Position your hands in front of your chest, with your palms facing each other and your fingers closed, then move them up and down in a rubbing motion. Perform 36 rubbings each time, twice daily.





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