
教学PPT PPT for Teaching

6 Oral Care

来源: 作者: 发布时间:2023-05-23 23:40:29 浏览次数: 【字体:


Oral Care


Grandma Su is bedridden due to Parkinson's disease, which renders her unable to care for herself, including brushing her teeth or gargling. A health care provider has been requested to assist in cleaning Grandma Su's mouth using cotton swabs.


Step 1: Preparation


1. Environment preparedness: maintain a clean and well-organized environment; ensure the temperature and humidity are comfortable and suitable.


2. Caregiver preparedness: dress up neatly; clean hands thoroughly using the seven-step hand-washing method, wear a face mask.


3. Care recipient preparedness: ensure the elder is lying flat in bed and in good condition before proceeding with mouth cleaning; make sure they have no dentures, oral ulcers, or gingival bleeding.


4. Items preparedness: a treatment vehicle, a treatment plate, a curved plate, a treatment bowl, a dirt bowl, 18-20 large cotton swabs, a tongue depressor, a flashlight, a lip moisturizer, a cup (filled with warm boiled water), and a dry towel.


Step 2: Communication


5. Move the treatment vehicle to the bedside; encourage the patient to cooperate with the care process


Step 3: Take a body position


6. Assist the care recipient in tilting their head to one side and make them face the caregiver; place a towel on their chest and a pillow under their right jaw; position the curved plate under their right jaw.


7. Retrieve 18-20 cotton swabs from the treatment bowl and immerse them in warm water; ensure that there is no leakage of water when a cotton swab is pressed against the cup wall.


Step 4: Oral examination


8. Moisten the patient's lips with a cotton swab; instruct them to open their mouth; hold the tongue depressor in the left hand and the flashlight in the right hand to check for any signs of bleeding or infection in the oral mucosa; if the patient is unconscious or clenching their teeth, use a mouth gag to keep the mouth open.


Step 5: Oral cavity cleaning


9. Assist the awake care recipient in drinking water through a straw and rinsing their mouth; ask them to spit the mouthwash into the curved plate and then wipe their lips clean.


10. Clean the patient's mouth in the following sequence: outer area, inner area, occlusal surface, palate, tongue, and cheeks, using a fresh cotton swab for each step. The oral cavity of the care recipient is divided into four quadrants: upper left, lower left, upper right and lower right.


11. Outer area: instruct the care recipient to bite down on the upper and lower teeth; gently strut the left cheek with the tongue depressor; scrub the outer side of the teeth from the molars to the incisors in a longitudinal motion. Scrub the teeth in the following sequence: upper left outer side, lower left outer side, upper right outer side, lower right outer side.


12. Inner area: instruct the care recipient to show their upper and lower teeth; scrub the outer side of the teeth from the molars to the incisors in a longitudinal motion. Scrub the teeth in the following sequence: upper left inner side, lower left inner side, upper right inner  side, lower right inner side.


13. Occlusal surface: scrub the occlusal surface of teeth in the following sequence: upper left, lower left, upper right, lower right.


14. Palate: scrub the left palate and right palate, starting from the inside and moving towards the outside.


15. Tongue: scrub the top and underside of the tongue; work your way from the inside to the outside in a sweeping motion.


16. Cheeks: scrub the left cheek and the right cheek; work your way from the inside to the outside in a sweeping motion.


Step 6: Sort the items used


17. After scrubbing, count the cotton swabs to ensure that the number of them is the same as before the scrubbing. Hold the tongue depressor in the left hand and the flashlight in the right hand to check once more for any bleeding in the gums.


24. Dry the perioral areas and the face, then remove the curved plate and place it on the lower floor of the treatment vehicle. Apply lip balm; wash hands; log the process




1. Handle with care to avoid damaging the mucosa. It is not recommended to ask an unconscious care recipient to gargle


2. Use a fresh cotton ball for each side and avoid reusing the same one


3. Ensure that cotton balls or swabs cannot be overly saturated with water; excess moisture can potentially lead to coughing in the individual receiving care


4. The duration for which the care recipient opens their mouth for cleaning should not be too long. Ideally, it should be limited to 20-25 seconds


5. Don't wipe the rear part of the upper jaw or tongue surface, this can cause discomfort to the care recipient






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